Tracing Codes for Goods and Everything else

Identity / Logistics / Provenance / NFTs / Open Source

Support the ITS Project by staking on the ITS Australia node on Radix. You can see our validator node in the Radix Explorer. (more coming soon)
Node Address: rv1qgk7asalvem6y06asnxwt8rgx05gvl9vzrldnkshvat3uysxmkx9gmkv7y2
The ITS project is initiated by the team behind Ideomaker. You can reach us via Telegram or the contact info on the website.

Airdrops - Staking with the ITS node will give you the chance of getting one of the 100 airdropped NFT avatars created on the Radix DLT. You can find out more about these at
Distribution will be based on the percentage of the stake on the node and will take place in the following weeks.
* Update: on 13 September 2021 we took the snapshot of the wallets for the airdrop. Thank you all for supporting the node. Going forward please follow the ideomaker social media channels for new drops prepared for existing and new stakers.

Donations - You can also support the project by donating XRD to the following wallet address. Since we don't have any other funding yet except the teams' own resources and time investment, all funding will go towards the development of ITS.
Wallet Address: rdx1qsp3gwlhf4jlutv5ty4kdpdkzjj99hqajpz0x6yp8j0d5j73jkq20jqf7ksmt
Copyright 2021. Interplanetary Tracing System